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Showing posts from January, 2019

Selenium - Architecture

Selenium Architecture: Here, we will learn about the overall selenium architecture. How communication happens from client library to browser and which are all the components involved between them. Architecture compromises of major four components namely Selenium Language Binding JSON Wire Protocol Browser Drivers Real Browsers 1. Selenium Language Binding: Various programming languages provide their own Rest API support for communicating to their respective browser drivers via JSON Wire protocol. python provides 'selenium ' as a client library which has all the rest API i mplementation  for communicating with browser drivers. Selenium is a third party library which does not come in python basic installation.  You need to install it via PIP command : pip install selenium driver = selenium.webdriver.Chrome('location of the chrome driver executable')  Above line returns one chrome browser session , where rest all browser relate...

Selenium - Basics

Selenium: Selenium is an open source automated testing Suite for web applications across different browsers and platforms. Selenium has 4 major components: Selenium Integrated Development Environment(IDE) Selenium Remote Control(RC) Web Driver Selenium Grid 1. Selenium Integrated Development Environment: Selenium IDE is the simplest framework in the Selenium Suite and very easiest to learn. It has got record playback and saving tests and inbuilt reporting tool.  2. Selenium Remote Control: Selenium RC was the flagship testing framework of the whole Selenium project for a long time. This is the first automated web testing tool where it allows users to use their programming language they prefer. RC comes in 2 forms: 2.1 Selenium Server:      Selenium Server receives selenium commands from your program, interprets them and reports  back the results of those running tests. Selenium Core is a Java Script program which execute...